Worship is Obedience 

What if the only people allowed to sing worship songs this Sunday were those who had worshipped God by sharing the gospel with someone? What if the only worship leaders who could stand up on stage this weekend were those who'd offered a verbal witness for Christ within the last twelve months?

How loud would the music be in our churches? I suspect “not very.”

Has any generation in the history of Christianity had more worship songs than ours? We love inspirin[...] 

Cowboy Grace 

It may not be the rodeo capital of the world, but Shipshewana, Indiana, hosted an action-packed, cow-punchin' event I'll always remember.

The pros there made it look easy, but trying to lasso a calf in just three tries (while being stop-watched) is no easy task. Once lassoed, the real fun began. The cowboys had to tie up the calf's legs and "brand" it with white paint.

But not one of those calves had the slightest interest in being tied up, so they ra[...] 


Passports are serious business.

If you’re traveling internationally, you better have one. And it better be valid.

I once flew with a group to Ghana, West Africa. Upon arrival, one team member couldn't get in! They told him his passport was invalid because it was less than six months from expiring. The guy flew thousands of miles only to be turned around and sent back on the next flight to America.

Passports are serious business. Above all, they vouch fo[...] 

Jon Gauger Jon Gauger
Jon Gauger Media 2016