Where Jesus Gets Top Billing | |
Thursday, July 03, 2014 | |
When you run a business, the name of that business is.....well, big business! Branding experts tell us we want crisp and cool. Something with a little razzle dazzle. Something that positions our product or service in a way that people will remember. But in West Africa, they take a different approach. Traveling through Ghana, the roads are lined with wooden stalls selling everything from fruit to phone cards to photocopies. Most of these so called shops are between three and six feet wide—that's it! And most all of them are clearly marked with a business name hand painted on a tired gray board. Some of the business names were humorous. Among them:
But more than the occasional humorous names, I was struck by the strong references to Jesus and the biblical faith that I saw everywhere. For example, every taxi had a name. Such as....
Then there's the cab titled, “By Grace.” Imagine being asked, “How did you get here?” You simply answer, “I've come this far...by grace.” In our travels, we drove by...
At first, I found all those signs mildly humorous. Then they struck me as quaint. The more of them we saw, the more I became impressed with these shop keepers. Would I be so bold as to put the name of Jesus before the name of my business? Would I have the courage to put God first—not just in my dealing—but in the very sign that defines my occupation? I now admire these people. Their work ethic, their hope to achieve something more for their families in a tough economy. But mostly, I admire the way they are unashamed to name the name of Jesus, who himself said, “Whoever acknowledges me before men, him will I acknowledge before my Father.” If I ever do go into business, I hope I'll take a lesson from my friends in Ghana—and let JESUS get top billing. |
Fake Messiah | |
Thursday, June 26, 2014 | |
Darkness has descended upon Ghana and we are stuck in a poky line of traffic streaming into the capital city, Accra. The stop and go driving leaves me pondering two signs I saw earlier in our travels to the Cape Coast. This morning, as we cruised along the George Walker Bush Highway (named for the U.S. President that brought financial aid to this West African nation) I saw a billboard that I really liked. It said, “Behold, I am coming soon.” And the quote, of course, is attributed to Jesus. “What a great sign,” I thought, as we rumbled down the highway. But less than one minute later, we encountered another billboard. This one featured the large photo of a bearded man wearing a turban. The caption identified him as “The Promised Messiah, Mahdi.” While I support free speech, and the rights of other religions to express their views, I was angered in my spirit by the deception. The true Messiah, Jesus, has already come. Already given His very life for us paying for our ticket to heaven with the signature of His own blood. Yet in the second billboard, Jesus was essentially being assaulted by a fake messiah. God has given us the choice to believe whatever we want. We are welcome to worship whatever god we like. But we do NOT get to choose the consequences of our choices. The Bible says, “He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: and he that does not believe the Son will not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him.” The truth is the penalty for rejecting Jesus is Hell. So when I see a billboard promising a different Messiah than Jesus, it makes me feel the same as if I saw a doctor prescribing chocolate to cure cancer. Our enemy loves nothing better than to quickly counter truth and beauty with lies and ugliness. Let's not be fooled. |
True Greatness | |
Thursday, June 19, 2014 | |
What does true greatness look like? I think I saw a glimpse this week. Imagine a training conference for Christian media professionals from all across West Africa. Envision197 participants from 15 countries all gathering in Accra, Ghana to learn practical techniques in radio, video, leadership, and social media. Moody Radio calls it the “Global Partners Training.” The conference featured energetic presenters, powerful worship, great preaching at night...not to mention delicious meals. Over the course of the conference, I figured they served a total of 2000 meals to our group. Unlike typical American conference centers, there were no “built in” facilities here. We all ate outside underneath three large white tents. Two serving lines formed outside the tents for every meal. Every plate, fork and water bottle had to be carted by hand out to the tents. Every grain of rice, every bite of fish was hauled over in coolers, or on large trays. But there was one meal I will remember for a long time. It was lunch time and the dark clouds overhead made good on their threat with a rainstorm the likes of which I have never encountered. Bathtubs of rain dumped all over the conference grounds, just as the lunch was being served. The conference participants were largely spared the soaking, protected under the tents. But the servers just outside the covering of the tents were entirely exposed. In seconds, their white blouses and shirts were drenched. As I took cover, I watched rain dribble down noble faces. I was in the presence of greatness. Jesus said, “Whoever would be the greatest among you must be the servant of all.” The greatest of all at the Global Partners training were not the presenters or the preacher or the worship leaders. But the great ones were easy to spot. They were the ones serving. Dripping in the rain. |
Of Kids and Crayons | |
Thursday, June 12, 2014 | |
They say that we either waste time, use time, or invest time. Several weeks ago, my wife and I enjoyed the weekend company of five year old Joslynn, our granddaughters. The little blonde kindergartner is reluctant to leave our house on Saturday. Doesn’t even like to get changed out of her pajamas. But she loves to make paper airplanes, which we take great pains to color before folding and flying. Joslynn is not content until we’ve created not just one or two planes, but a fleet sufficient in number to replace an entire wing of the United States Air force. But Joslynn had recently seen the Pixar movie, Monsters, Inc. She asked me draw the outlines of the main characters so she could color them. The truth is I can't draw for diddly. Never could. But Josie absolutely positively had to have those characters drawn, so I gave it my best shot. Grabbed my tablet and did an online search for images that I did a poor job of copying onto her paper. But Josie never once complained or criticized. She colored. There was the big and fluffy Sully, Mike—the happy go lucky green guy whose one eye represents the full orb of his diminutive body. We drew Randall, the mean hearted purple lizard, and Boo—cute as a button—smiling and waving. The day flew by and by nightfall, Josie was back home. Getting ready for bed, I grabbed my tablet. But before powering it down, I checked the most recent image on the screen. It was Boo. The cute little girl from Monsters, Inc. Still smiling. Still waving. Only now, it felt like a wave goodbye. I was not prepared for the lump in my throat. Left to myself, I probably would not have suggested we take a whole day and sit around in pajamas with crayons in our hands. But now that it's come and gone, I feel schooled. Humbled. I’m not sure that Saturday of coloring connects directly with Proverbs 22:6—"Train up a child in the way he should go..." But I’m thinkin’ somehow….it just might. |
Toxic Baloney | |
Thursday, June 05, 2014 | |
Toxic baloney. When it comes to worldwide media coverage of Israel, that’s increasingly the diet we’re being fed. And that toxic baloney is slowly poisoning the hearts and minds of millions. Example #1: The Land Listening to today’s media, one gets the notion that Israel is a greedy land grabber, reluctant to share with anyone else. The fact is, the Arab world is nearly 800 times the size of Israel. Not eight or even eighty. But eight HUNDRED times as large. So why is Israel being pressured to give up the tiny slice it has to the many who have much more? Example #2 Regional Conflict It is increasingly suggested that Israel is the source of most trouble in the Middle East. But what about the horrific war in Syria—which has nothing to do with Israel? What about the massive unrest and murderous demonstrations in Egypt? From the instability of the Iranian nuclear program, to Sunnis killing Shiites in Iraq, the Middle East has never lacked for trouble—quite apart from Israel. Example #3 The Security Fence Along the West Bank Prior to the violence of the second intifada, there was no wall, and suicide bombers walked right into Israel and detonated deadly explosions. Since the construction of that barrier, the bombings have almost entirely stopped. There are dozens of countries that have fences or walls at their borders including the U.S., Turkey, Northern Ireland, India, Spain, Thailand, the Netherlands, Finland and Yemen. Does Israel not have a right to protect itself against suicide bombers? You don’t get this kind of perspective from the mainstream media. I’m not saying Israel is perfect. No country is, including ours. But I am saying that many of the charges being made are distorted and one-sided…to keep us from knowing “the whole truth.” The ultimate truth to keep in mind--the age old promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding Israel: I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
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