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Four Words  

The other night, I felt the futility of an anxious spirit. In the gray gloom of not-yet-sleep, I pondered my past expenditures on worry.

Weariness shrouded me, a sadness for all that wasted emotion and abused adrenalin. And then four words settled upon me: “It is not necessary.”

I will not pretend to tell you this was the voice of God, though the thought was certainly of God: “It is not necessary.”

  • This constant churning of ours. It is not necessary.
  • This rehearsing and rehashing of past failures. It is not necessary.
  • This endless doomsday forecasting we gravitate toward. It is not necessary.

In the bright light of an answered prayer, this all became so clear. It wasn’t so much shame that I felt (God never intends that). It was more like a sigh—the kind that comes when you realize you just bought an expensive item you now know you don't need—and there's no return policy. That's worry for you. It takes—but never gives back.

Is your soul churning over a fractured relationship? It is not necessary. Are you crushed by a dream gone bad? It is not necessary. Do you fear that this or that unmet need will surely spell your doom? It is not necessary.

What is necessary? God, Himself tells us: "Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

Note the word all in this verse. Your Heavenly Father wants every shred of dread you've ever pondered—wants you to cast it on Him. And why? Because He cares for you. He said so! And that's enough.

You and I have only so much thought currency. Why spend a dime on worry?






Photo by Kat Smith from Pexels


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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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