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You Are Mine  

Remember those pastel-colored "Sweetheart" candies with Valentine's messages?

To meet the demands of Valentine's season, the Necco company (original makers) used to manufacture 100,000 pounds of candy hearts daily! And each candy featured a phrase like:

  • “Cutie Pie”
  • “Kiss Me”
  • “Be Mine”

In the spirit of the season, I offer a more ancient—not to mention substantive—valentine found in Isaiah 43:1. Directed originally to the Israelites, it’s a valentine you, too, can claim:

But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, and you are mine.”

If you know Jesus as Savior, you’re in an eternal love relationship with the Prince of Peace, with God Almighty! The only question is—are you enjoying it, or are you still trying to earn it?

It's funny. We born-again folks are quick to tell the world that salvation is not a works-based thing. But then we proceed to define ourselves by works-based things: careers, houses, social standing, etc.

But if Isaiah 43:1 is true—and it is—then that is the scale to measure our worth—not our achievements, portfolios, or fancy homes. 

The next time you hear a voice telling you that you’re just not worth very much, pull out this valentine and consider:

  • God has formed you.
  • God has redeemed you.
  • God has called you by name.

And pay special attention to those three last words from the Almighty:




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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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