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Cooling off Hell  

They're trying to cool off the flames of hell.  Have you noticed?

I have no scientific proof--just my own observations.  But it feels to me like whatever Christian circle I visit, the concept of Hell is increasingly described WITHOUT fire.   It's being replaced by the phrase "eternal separation from God." 

The trade out bothers me.  It bothers me because the Bible makes no such allowance. 

Hell is a literal place.  The lake of fire is a biblical destination. Revelation 20:15 says "Whoever's name was not written in the Lamb's book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

Mark 9:43 speaks of the 'lake of fire which shall never be quenched."

So what's behind the move away from Hell?   I have three hunches.

First, avoiding the language of Hell is consistent for a culture that way overemphasizes God's love, while neglecting His role as judge.

Second, avoiding the language of Hell makes Christianity a whole lot more tolerable for a religiously intolerant society.  Besides--the lake of fire is so extreme as to conjure up images of Crusaders of old--or more modern Ku Klux Clansmen.

My final hunch is that the enemy of our souls--himself destined for the lake of fire--has a vested interest in blinding us to the horrors of hell.

But I'm not buying it.  And neither should you.

When Jude 1:23 urges us to "snatch others from the fire” the verse isn't talking about a campfire or a house fire.  It's Hell.  

So the next time you hear somebody trying to edit out--or redefine--Hell, give 'em the Book.  The B-I-B-L-E...which speaks ever so plainly and ever so sadly about Hell: the lake of fire which burns forever.


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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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