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Don't Have To Miss You Too Much  

There are two kinds of grandparents.  There are those who live by the “show up, sugar them up and send them home” philosophy.   Then there are others—like me—who find every parting sad.  I'm never glad to see the grandkids go.  Never.  Does that make me sappy?  Probably. 

So there we were, putting on our shoes and getting ready to leave after a nice visit with four of our little buddies.  That familiar wave of melancholy was washing over.  Yet the silver lining was the fact that later in the week, we’d be watching the grandkids while their parents traveled out of state.   Naturally, the kids had been told about all this.

When you are four and have to wait—for anything—an hour feels like a day.  A day feels like a week.  And a week feels like a whole month.  Lacing her little arm through mine, four-year-old Lucy was definitely doing some processing.

As she lavished hug after generous hug, Lucy abruptly brightened and announced, “I don’t have to miss you too much!  I’ll see you in a few more days!” 

From a time-keeping standpoint, she was absolutely right.   But for me, it opened up an unexpected window into a longer look at time: death and eternity.

Who among us isn’t missing someone?  A mom who lost her battle with cancer…a daughter whose life was snuffed out in a car crash…a grandpa whose heart just plain wore out.  We miss them.  Grieve their absence.

Could it be, though, that we look at loss from a warped perspective?  Those who have gone before us and loved Jesus—we really will see them again—and soon! 

Meaning we can say with Lucy, “I don’t have to miss you too much!  I’ll see you in a few more days.”  The truth is, the need for Kleenex is coming to an end—and fast!

1 Corinthians 15:52 reaches out to us with all of Lucy’s happy eagerness when it proclaims, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”

Those loved ones now gone--we miss them.  We ought to.  But not to the point of devastation. 

Let’s learn to celebrate with Lucy, “I don’t have to miss you too much!  I’ll see you in a few more days.”


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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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