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The Ultimate Vote  

Many deemed last week’s election “the most important of our time.” We Christians said/heard that over and over.

But whether you loved—or loathed—the results, there's a much more critical initiative whose outcome is yet to be determined.

I’m not talking about the House of Representatives. I’m talking about your house. And mine. I’m referring to America’s need for revival—which always begins at home. Clearly, no political power can bring that about. Nor can any federal program save us from decadence and deadness.

We need revival, plain and simple. The only question is, do we see the desperation we are in—and will we take the required action? In other words, will we cast our vote for a nationwide revival or merely mutter against the evil of our culture?

Of course, no revival ever came about because of a vote. True revival is a God thing, so my metaphor is imperfect at best. But Bob Cook underscores, “Revival always starts with the repentance of God’s people.” Your house. My house. Not the neighbors’.

So, in a limited and sobering sense, every believer is casting a vote. Our lack of confession and repentance are votes against revival. But by contrast, our willingness to do business with God and confess sin as His Holy Spirit shines His unfailing flashlight in our souls—a vote for revival.

The ballot on this is before us. Are you voting? Or are you going to “sit this one out?”

Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 

-Acts 3:19


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Jon GaugerJon Gauger

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